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Q: What proportion of the area under a normal curve is to the right of a z-score of zero?
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It could be a Gaussian curve (Normal distribution) rotated through a right angle.It could be a Gaussian curve (Normal distribution) rotated through a right angle.It could be a Gaussian curve (Normal distribution) rotated through a right angle.It could be a Gaussian curve (Normal distribution) rotated through a right angle.

Can a normal distribution curve be symmetric or left-skewed or right-skewed?


What happens to the graph of the normal curve as the mean increases?

The graph shifts to the right.

Is it normal if your penis goes to the left when hard?

Yes. Although all do not curve left or right, a curve in one direction or the other when hard is very common (i.e. normal)

What is the area under the normal distribution curve to the right of z that equals 3.24?

0.0006 (approx).

Is the total area under a normal distribution curve to the right of the mean is always equal to 0?


What point does the normal intersect?

The normal intersects a curve at a right angle, forming a perpendicular line to the tangent of the curve at that point. This intersection is crucial for determining the rate of change or slope of a function at a specific point.

What proportion of a normal distribution is located between the two z scores -1.25 and 1.25?

Approx 78.88 % Normal distribution tables give the area under the normal curve between the mean where z = 0 and the given number of standard deviations (z value) to its right; negative z values are to the left of the mean. Looking up z = 1.25 gives 0.3944 (using 4 figure tables). → area between -1.25 and 1.25 is 0.3944 + 0.3944 = 0.7888 → the proportion of the normal distribution between z = -1.25 and z = 1.25 is (approx) 78.88 %

Find the z-score having area 0.86 to its right under its standard normal curve?

This is the standard normal curve. To the left P(X<x) therefore to the right is P(X>x). Therefore this means that to calculate the probability look up the Z score on the standard normal table. Then P(X>x) = 1-P(X<x). This is because the curve is symmetrical arounds its mean.

Is income held constant along the demand curve?

Yes, an increase or decrease in income will cause a shift in the demand curve right or left depending on if the good is inferior, normal, or superior

What is the z value such that 50 percent of the total area lies to the right of the curve in a normal distribution?

The Z value is 0.

What is a binormal?

A binormal is a line which is at right angles to both the normal and the tangent of a point on a curve, and, together with them, forms three cartesian axes.