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Q: What punctiuation comes after furthermore?
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A sentence with the word furthermore in it?

Here's a few sentences with "furthermore:" Tom's favorite word is "furthermore." Mary shouted "furthermore" for no reason. He looked up "furthermore" in the dictionary. I can't think of a sentence with the word "furthermore" in it. ! ----------------- Nevermore would the raven say, "Furthermore".

What does borneo export?

Half of the annual global tropical timberacquisition comes from Borneo. Furthermore,Palm oilplantations are rapidly encroaching on the last remnants of primary rainforest.

A sentence with the word furthermore?

And furthermore... The farther you go, the further you will get!

What does furthermore?

'Furthermore' is a transition word which basically means 'in addition'.

A sentence with furthermore in it?

A sentence with furthermore: Furthermore, he left orders not to be disturbed. Your welcome for this answer for all those folks who wonder this question. :*

Is furthermore a preposition?

No, "furthermore" is an adverb that is used to add information or ideas in a conversation or text. It is not a preposition.

Can you give a sentence with the word furthermore?

The initial results were promising; furthermore, additional research is needed to validate these findings.

A sentence using the word furthermore?

The cave was disgusting, furthermore it was freezing.

Can you give me a sentence using the word furthermore?

Are you asking for a word with furthermore in well you have found your answer.

How can you use furthermore in a sentence?

You can use "furthermore" to add additional information or support to a sentence. For example, "She was skilled at math; furthermore, she also excelled in science."

How would you use 'furthermore' in a sentence?

You are welcome to ask the question. Furthermore, feel free to ask more questions.The man that stood in front of me looked tired and was badly dressed. Furthermore, he looked like he had not eaten for weeks. crendsvb;u93rpeghjfkdghvfnemdFurhermore is a funny-sounding word."Furthermore", quoth the raven, "Furthermore..."

What is an example of furthermore?

I can give you several sentences."Furthermore," he added, "I propose that we elect John as club president."This is a sentence; furthermore, it is an example sentence.The old house was dark and spooky; furthermore, I thought I heard someone whispering in the corner.