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Q: What pushes against your body when you are running with your kite?
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What happened after Amir won the kite fight against the blue kite?

After Amir won the kite fight against the blue kite, Hassan ran to retrieve the losing kite for Amir. As he was running, he encountered Assef and his friends who brutally attacked and assaulted him. This event marked a turning point in the lives of both Amir and Hassan, fundamentally changing their relationship.

Do Kite have tails?

to balance the weight of the kite against the wind

The novel begins with Amir's memory of peering down an alley looking for Hassan who is kite running for him As Amir peers into the alley he witnesses a tragedy The novel ends with Amir kite runni?

The novel "The Kite Runner" begins with Amir witnessing a tragedy in an alley while Hassan is running a kite for him. The novel ends with Amir running a kite in a symbolic act of redemption and healing, paralleling his past and present actions. The act of kite running comes full circle, signifying forgiveness, redemption, and closure for Amir.

Why does a kite have a tail?

So that it can fly better the tail helps the kite balance better as well

What benefits does a tail add to a kite?

To Balance the kite against the wind but it also look nice

What 2 forces act on a kite?

The two forces that act on a kite are lift, generated by the wind pushing against the kite's surface and gravity, which pulls the kite downward toward the ground.

A kite and its tail total 32 feet in length. The tail is 18 feet longer than the length of the kite's body. How long is the kite's tail?

We've got the following: x - length of kite's body x + 18 - length of kite's tail x + x + 18 = 32 -> total length of kite plus its tail 2x + 18 = 32 2x = 14 x = 7 -> length of kite's body x + 18 = 25 -> length of kite's tail

In The Kite Runner does the physical brutality and aesthetic beauty of the kite running parallel any other aspects of the book?

Yes, the physical brutality and aesthetic beauty of kite running in "The Kite Runner" mirror the themes of friendship and betrayal in the novel. It symbolizes both the intense competition and bond between characters, such as Amir and Hassan, as well as the darker aspects of their relationship that ultimately lead to betrayal and guilt. Additionally, kite running serves as a metaphor for redemption and the pursuit of atonement throughout the story.

As a national pastime in Afghanistan kite fighting was encouraged by the Taliban?

Not at all. The Taliban believed that Kite Fighting, and it's counterpart Kite Running, were un-Islamic and were banned during their rule of Afghanistan.

How do you fly a kite without wind?

To fly a kite without wind, you can try running with the kite behind you to create lift. Another option is to use a remote-controlled kite or a kite designed for indoor use that can fly without wind. Additionally, using a helium balloon to lift the kite can help it stay in the air.

What does gravity do to a kite?

Gravity pulls the kite downward towards the ground. The tension in the string keeps the kite from falling completely, allowing it to stay in the air. Adjusting the angle of the kite and the amount of tension in the string can help control the kite's movement in the sky.

What is the force that acts on a kite that makes it fly?

Wind... air pushes it up while the string pulls it down keeping it in a fixed position.