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A square has four lines of mirror symmetry: the lines connecting the centers of opposite sides and the lines connecting opposite vertexes. A regular hexagon has six, with the same definitions.

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Q: What quadrangle has more than 2 lines of symmetry?
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Shapes with more than 4 lines of symmetry?

A regular hexagon has more than 4 lines of symmetry. Even number sided polygons that are regular and have more than 4 sides have more than 4 lines of symmetry. Circles have more than four lines of symmetry. Squares also have 4 lines of symmetry.

What shapes have more than two lines of symmetry?

A decagon and any polygon above a pentagon has more than two lines of symmetry

What shape has more than 3 lines of symmetry?

A circle or sphere has an infinite number of lines of symmetry.

How many lines of symmetry does a rectangular octagon have?

16 * * * * * Not sure what a rectangular octagon is but no kind of octagon has more than 8 lines of symmetry.

Does right triangles have three lines of symmetry?

A right triangle doesn't necessarily have any lines of symmetry. But if it has, it can't have more than one.

Does triangle have more than four symmetry?

No because the maximum lines of symmetry a triangle can have is 3 as an equilateral triangle and 1 as an isosceles triangle otherwise a triangle has no lines of symmetry.

Why the square has more lines of symmetry than the rectangle?

They would have the same

With 27 sides how many lines of symmetry does a polygon have?

No more than 27.

A shape that has more than 10 lines of symmetry?

circle, sphere, cylinder

What kind of figure has more lines of symmetry than any polygon?

A circle.

Does a triangle have more than one line of symmetry?

It will have 3 lines of symmetry if its an equilateral triangle and only 1 line of symmetry if its an isosceles triangle.

What shape has more than 3 sides and has more than 2 lines of symmetry and fewer than 5 angles?

A square