

What quadrant does angle 3.74 lie?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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If measured in radians, it is in the third quadrant.

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Q: What quadrant does angle 3.74 lie?
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What are the quadrant angles?

Quadrant angles are the angle lies in different quadrants. The angles which lie between 0° and 90° are said to lie in the first quadrant. The angles between 90° and 180° are in the second quadrant, angles between 180° and 270° are in the third quadrant and angles between 270° and 360° are in the fourth quadrant Quadrant angles are the angle lies in different quadrants. The angles which lie between 0° and 90° are said to lie in the first quadrant. The angles between 90° and 180° are in the second quadrant, angles between 180° and 270° are in the third quadrant and angles between 270° and 360° are in the fourth quadrant

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Quadrant II

The given angle is 1291 degrees what terminal quadrant does it lie in?

3rd quadrant. The four 90 degree quadrants together formed 360 degrees. When a given angle is greater than 360 degrees, subtract 360 from it till a value smaller than 360 is obtained. In this way, we can determine the quadrant in which the given angle lies. Here the final angle obtained is 211 degrees (1291-3x360=211).

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Coordinates that lie in the third quadrant are (-1,-1).

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Well, it could lie in Quadrant 1,2,3,4.