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Q: What quantitative format could Riis have used to present the data in lines 86-109 in order to clarify his argument about the problems of the tenements?
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Yes, a supporting sentence provides additional evidence, explanation, or reasoning to bolster the main argument. It helps to clarify and validate the primary argument by offering more detailed information or examples that reinforce the claim being made.

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What is it To clarify a speakers argument a good listener?

A good listener helps to clarify a speaker's argument by asking thoughtful questions, summarizing key points, and seeking clarification when necessary. They demonstrate active engagement and understanding by reflecting back what they have heard and seeking to ensure mutual understanding. This not only helps the speaker feel heard and respected but also facilitates more effective communication.

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Try it! Quite often, making a drawing can help you clarify the problem.

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An explanation seeks to clarify or describe a concept or situation, providing information for understanding. In contrast, an argument presents a viewpoint supported by evidence or reasoning, aiming to persuade or convince the audience of a particular claim or position.

How is an explanation different from a argument?

An explanation aims to clarify or make something easier to understand, while an argument seeks to persuade or convince by presenting evidence or reasons to support a claim. Explanations focus on providing information, while arguments focus on advocating for a particular viewpoint or position.

What does restate your claim mean?

Restating your claim means expressing your main argument or position in a different way or with additional supporting details. It helps reinforce your point and clarify your stance for the audience.

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How did the Federalist Papers clarify the goals of the Constitution?

The Federalist Papers attempted to clarify the goals of the Constitution by stating problems the country faced, and articulating how the Constitution would address and solve those problems. One example would be the need for a coherent national defense.

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If you want to write an argumentative speech at first you have to establish some facts to support an argument. Second, you have to clarify relevant values for your audience perspective. Third, you have to prioritize and edit all the facts and values in importance to build the argument. Lastly, form and state all your conclusions

Do you say-clarify to someone or clarify it for someone?

You clarify something for someone. For example, you could say, "Can you clarify this for me?"