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Q: What quantity is shown by the slope?
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Which physical quantity is given by slope of v-t graph?

The physical quantity given by the slope of a velocity-time graph is acceleration. This is because the slope represents the rate of change of velocity over time, which is how acceleration is defined (acceleration = change in velocity / time taken).

What kind of slope does acceleration have?

Acceleration is a vector quantity and can have positive, negative, or zero slope. A positive slope indicates an increase in speed, a negative slope indicates a decrease in speed, and a zero slope indicates constant velocity.

How are contour lines shown for a gentle slope?

Contours for a gentle slope are spaced equally and far apart, the closer the contour lines the steeper the slope.

The lines shown below are parallel. If the green line has a slope of -2, what is the slope of the red line?

-2 (APEX)

How is a steep slope shown on a topography map?

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How speed shown on a distance-time graph?

By the slope of the curve.

How is speed shown on a distanced-time graph?

By the slope of the curve.

How is speed shown on distance time graph?

By the slope of the curve.