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Q: What radical idea do the laws hinge on?
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The Radical Republicans passed a series of laws designed to?

The Radical Republicans passed a series of laws designed to protect the civil rights of African Americans.

Which was a result of the other three?

state laws supported radical segregation.

What was the idea if equality radical in 1770's?

Blacks were kept as slaves

Which development was a result of the other three?

state laws supported radical segregation.

What has the author Gail Hinge written?

Gail Hinge has written: 'Consolidation of Indian legislation' -- subject(s): Indians of North America, Canada, Treaties, Government relations, Legal status, laws

Why was the idea of equality radical in the 1770s?

The idea of equality was radical in the 1770s was because they felt like equality really needed to be found and be used. Some people liked and disliked equality and everyone felt different about it.

How did the south resist reconstruction policies of the radical republicans?

By passing special laws like black codes, and the jim crow laws.

Radical republicans passed a series of laws designed to?

Radical Republicans rewrote the Reconstruction and Force acts. These were to block blacks from being allowed to vote during elections.

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what two laws did the radical republicans pass to reduce presidential power

What did radical republicans do to the effect of the fourteenth amendment stronger?

They passed four more Reconstruction laws.

What happened when president vetoed radical reconstruction laws?

congress passed the acts over his veto

What did radical Republicans do to make the effort of the fourteenth amendment stronger?

They passed four more Reconstruction laws.