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Things whose values do not change.

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Q: What real-life situations can be represented by a horizontal number line?
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What does a straight horizontal line mean?

A straight horizontal line is a line that goes sideways, often represented by the equation y=a where a is any real number.

What is Roman numeral for 5000?

The number 5000 can be represented by the numeral V with a horizontal bar placed above it or by the numeral [V]

What is the Mayan symbol for 5?

The Mayan symbol for number five is a horizontal bar.

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The number 1000000 can be represented in Roman numerals by M with a horizontal bar placed above it or by [M]

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A complex number can be thought of as a vector with two components, called the "real part" (usually represented on the horizontal axis), and the "imaginary part" (usually represented on the vertical axis). You can also express the complex number in polar form, that is, with a a length and an angle.

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The number 8000 can be represented by the Roman numeral VIII with a horizontal bar placed above it or by the Roman numeral [VIII]

What is the Mayan symbol for the number 13?

The Mayans used a combination of dots and lines to represent their numbers. The number thirteen is represented by three dots on top of two horizontal lines.

What comes 1st and what comes 2nd on the items that you put on the coordinate plane?

Item on coordinate plane are expressed (x, y),where the number for x is the horizontal coordinateand the number for y is the vertical coordinate

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The number 100,000 can be represented in Roman numerals by the Roman numeral C with a horizontal bar placed above it or by the Roman numeral [C]

What is the Roman numerals of one hundred million?

The number 100,000,000 can be represented by the Roman numeral [C] with a horizontal bar placed above it (which I can't write with my keyboard).

How do vertical transformations differ from horizontal transformations?

Vertical transformations involve shifting the graph up or down, affecting the y-values, while horizontal transformations involve shifting the graph left or right, affecting the x-values. Vertical transformations are usually represented by adding or subtracting a value outside of the function, while horizontal transformations are represented by adding or subtracting a value inside the function.

What does it mean if the roots of a quadratic equation are real?

It means that they can be represented by real numbers or lengths along the number line. It means that the graph of the quadratic crosses (meets) the horizontal axis.