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Q: What real-world objects are shaped liked a hexagonal prism?
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What real world objects are shaped liked a hexagonal prism?


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skylights, signs, picture frames, kites,diamonds,etc.

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What is a bird that has wings shaped liked flippers?

Magic Penguins

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Like a letter L

Why are mike and ikes shaped the way they are?

Because Mike and Ike's creators liked the way they were shaped. USE YOUR HEAD!

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Is Saturn shaped liked a pear or a flattened sphere?

its an flattened sphere

Why is human heart shaped liked a cone?

Thats yo dick dood

Why is eggman shaped like an egg?

if you watch sonic x eggman is shaped liked an egg because his name start with egg and he is a man

What is a model of the earth shaped liked a ball or sphere called?

A model of the Earth shaped like a ball or sphere is called a globe. Globes are used to represent the Earth's surface accurately in terms of shape, size, and spatial relationships between continents and oceans.

What is an edible orange thing shaped liked a tomato and starts with a p?

Peach or papaya,,Papaya could be considered shaped like a plum tomato