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I hope one of the "following" was:

A circle.

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Q: What refers to the set of all points in a plane which are equally distance from a fixed point called center?
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Related questions

What is the point from which all points on a circle are the same distance?

This is the center of the circle. From the center of the circle, all the points on the circle are equally distant.

Has a curve surface on which all points are at the same distance from its center?

A curved surface on which all points are the same distance from the center is called a sphere.

What do you call the point from which all points on a circle are equally distant?

EquidistantIt's called the center or origin of the circle. All points on a circle are equidistant from the center

What space figure with all points equal distance from the center called?

Surface of a sphere

Is a solid with all points the same distance from a given point called the center?

It is a sphere.

Why does the fan rotate in circular path?

Because the center of the fan is attacked to something, and if the fan is relatively rigid, other points on the fan keep the same distance from that center. The set of points in a plane that has the same distance from the center is called a circle.

What point within a circle is the same distance from all points on the circle?

the center of the circleThat point is called the "center" of the circle.

What is the distance from a lens to one of its foci called?

The distance from the center of a lens to one of its focal points is the focal length of the lens.

What is the set of points in a plane that are equal distant from a fixed point called?

A set of points in a plan that are equally distanced from a fixed point is called a circle. equation of a circle is: (x - h)2 + (y - k)2 = r2 Center = (h, k) Radius = r Since Radius (can vary for different circles on that plan) is at equal distance throughout the plan we can therefore say that a set of points in a plan that are equally distanced from a fixed point is called a circle.

A set of points all a given distance from a center point?

They are called equidistant points and form points on a sphere for a solid or a circle on a plane figure.

The point inside a circle that is the same distance from all the points on the circle?

That's called the center

What is it called when any round object that has a surafce that is the same distance from its center all points?

a sphere