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Q: What region of the Sun is typically about 6000 C?
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Which region of the Sun is typically about 6000 C?

The photosphere of the Sun is the region that typically has a temperature of about 6000°C. This is the visible surface layer of the Sun where the light we see is emitted.

What is the suns temperature range range?

Inner of the sun Temperature is 14000°c and outer is 6000°c

What is the temperature on 1 star?

Well, the surface temp of our sun is around 5-6000 °C. The core of the sun it can reach 15 million °C.

How hot is the third layer of the sun?

The temperature of the sun is the coolest on the surface at 6000 degrees C or 10882 degrees F. In the middle layer of the sun, the temperature is 1,500,000 degrees C or 2,700,032 degrees F. In the center or core of the sun the temperature is 15,000,000 degrees C or 27,000,000 degrees F. Sunspots on the surface have an average temperature of 4,000 degrees C or 7,000 degrees F.

What is the temperature range of the sun?

Inner of the sun Temperature is 14000°c and outer is 6000°c

Which region of the Sun has a temperature of about 15 million C?

The region of the Sun that has a temperature of about 15 million degrees Celsius is the core. The core is where nuclear fusion reactions take place, converting hydrogen into helium and releasing vast amounts of energy in the form of heat and light.

What region of the Sun has a temperature of about 15 million C?

Center core.

Why can't you live on sun?

Because it's too hot, it's about 6000 degrees C so you would be vapourised in a microsecond.

Why can't you live on the sun?

The Sun is an extremely hot and hostile environment with temperatures reaching millions of degrees Celsius. It is not possible for any known form of life, including humans, to survive such extreme conditions. Additionally, the Sun's intense gravity and lack of a solid surface make it impossible for anything to land or exist on its surface.

Is the Earth's core as hot as the Sun?

No, the Sun, even the coolest part of the surface, is still hotter than the Earth's core. But the core is close: as high as 5500 degrees Celsius (9900 °F), compared to about 5800-6000 °C for the photosphere of the Sun. (The core is hotter than sunspots, which range from 2700°C to about 4200°C.)

What is journal entry of bought motorcycle for personal use for rs 6000 and payment was made out of business money?

Drawing A/c ------Dr 6000 To Bank A/c 6000

6000 Fahrenheit in centigrade?

3315.55556 C 6000oC = (6000 - 32) / 1.8oC = 3115.5oC (approx.)