Enzymes catalyze biochemical reaction in organisms by lowering the activation energy to begin a reaction, which, of course, requires some energy input.
The answer depends on what relationship - if any - exists between the points in the table. There need not be any relationship.
The y-intercept is the value of the function (if it exists) when x = 0.
You cannot make your own equation because the relationship between Celsius and Fahrenheit exists independently of your existence! The equation is 9C = 5*(F-32)
Yes, but not at the level of mathematics you are at. In elementary statistics, the line of best fit (if it exists) is always a straight line representing a linear relationship between two variables. The equation of the line is most often calculated using the least squares method. [This minimises the sum of the squares of the vertical differences between the values "predicted" by the line and those actually recorded. The process always leads to a straight line. However, in more advanced statistics, you will learn about transformations. If the relationship between two variables, X and Y, is an inverse relationship, then the relationship between 1/X and Y is linear and you can fit a linear best fit line to the data set given by 1/X and Y. This can then be used to calculate the best fit inverse curve.
Competition is another relationship that exists between organisms
What type of relationship exists between the crocodile and anaconda
they have intercourse
It is a symbiotic relationship.
The cat is the predator and the mouse is the prey.
No particular relationship exists between the two for the simple reason that such relationship(if any exist) depends on the material one is concerned with.
The relationship between the clownfish and the sea anemone is mutualistic.
A relationship between variables