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Sometimes things that seem complicated are more easy in nature to understand and that's the circle of nature how reacts with mind.By nature you are programmed to think till one point.That's the IQ. Scientists to explain natural phenomena that happen beyond human mind they use mathematic equations to get a result. Were i want to end that physics doesn't support religion so there's no need for you to try to think such complicated matters.

But mentioning that is always good to train the human mind. Nice question though.

Sometimes things that seem complicated are more easy in nature to understand and that's the circle of nature how reacts with mind.By nature you are programmed to think till one point.That's the IQ. Scientists to explain natural phenomena that happen beyond human mind they use mathematic equations to get a result. Were i want to end that physics doesn't support religion so there's no need for you to try to think such complicated matters.

But mentioning that is always good to train the human mind.Unquestionably all religions of the world speak about unexplained phenomena (MIRACLES) and physics explain only natural phenomena so physics doesn't support any religions.

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