If you divide 30 into 215, you get 7.16 or 7 with a remainder of 5, as the answer.
30% of 182 = 30% * 182 = 0.3 * 182 = $54.60
If you divide 30 into 215, you get 7.16 or 7 with a remainder of 5, as the answer.
A remainder just means like the word says. It means the number that is remained after you divide a number. For example 30 divided by 4 would be: 7, and remainder 2
30-182 = -152
Yes, 30 goes into 140. To determine how many times 30 goes into 140, you would divide 140 by 30. The result of this division is 4 with a remainder of 20. So, 30 goes into 140 four times with a remainder of 20.
Twice - with a remainder of 6 (or 2½ times)
30% of 182 = 30% * 182 = 0.3 * 182 = $54.60
Because 30 is the smallest number that both 10 and 15 can divide into evenly with no remainder.