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Q: What represents billions of machines cycles per second?
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What is a cgs unit to measure frequency?

The cgs unit to measure frequency is hertz (Hz). It represents the number of cycles or oscillations per second.

What is the scientific term for the rate at which waves oscillate in cycles?

The scientific term for the rate at which waves oscillate in cycles is frequency. It is measured in hertz (Hz), which represents the number of cycles per second.

What is faster 10hz or 1000hz?

1000Hz is faster than 10Hz because it represents 1000 cycles per second as opposed to 10 cycles per second for 10Hz.

The unit of measure for the frequency of wavelengths per second?

The unit of measure for the frequency of wavelengths per second is hertz (Hz). It represents the number of wave cycles that occur in one second.

Which property is expressed in units of hertz?

Frequency is the property expressed in units of hertz. It represents the number of cycles of a periodic waveform that occur in one second.

Does hertz equal frequency?

Yes, hertz is the unit of frequency and represents the number of cycles per second in a waveform.

How fast was were the computers in the 1950's?

Computers in the 1950s were much slower compared to modern computers. They had processing speeds measured in kilohertz (thousands of cycles per second) or even less, whereas today's computers commonly operate in gigahertz (billions of cycles per second). The average processing power was limited by the technology of the time, with rudimentary transistor-based machines that were much less powerful than today's silicon-based processors.

What is the frequency unit for physics?

The frequency unit for physics is hertz (Hz), which represents the number of cycles or oscillations per second.

Why wont anyone invent a machine that can perform litterally HUNDREDS of calculations per second?

The current machines are in the billions. They have come out with RISC chips that only do thousands per second.

What is the unit of a frequency?

The unit of frequency is Hertz (Hz), which represents the number of cycles or oscillations per second.

What units are wave frequencies measured in?

Wave frequencies are typically measured in hertz (Hz), which represents the number of cycles per second.

What does 102.5 MHz represent?

One MHz represents one million cycles per second. The speed of microprocessors, called the clock speed, is measured in megahertz. 102.5 MHZ means 102.5 Million cycles per second that processor can work.