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Q: What requirements must a two dimensional table satisfy in order to be a relation?
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What are the requirement that two relation must satisfy in order to be considered union-compatible?

The two result sets bust each have the same number of columns and each pair of columns between the two must be of the same data type.

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testing id done is to given the product in order to satisfy the customer requirements . which will given the quality assurance .. benefits of testing : if it is customer satisfied the end of the product , then the product it will be good in market for long time .

What are the requirements that two relations must satisfy in order to be considered union-compatible?

The two result sets bust each have the same number of columns and each pair of columns between the two must be of the same data type.

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When two or more rows share the same number of columns, and when their corresponding columns share the same (or compatible) domains, they are said to be union-compatible.

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It depends on... Most likely it means that your password does not satisfy simplest security requirements. And as result in order to prevent cracking of the password you have to change it to more complicated.

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An array of order 4x8 can either be implemented as a one-dimensional array of order 32 or as a one-dimensional array of order 4, where each element is a one-dimensional array of order 8. In either case, the 32 data elements are allocated contiguously and there is no difference in performance. A third way is to implement the one-dimensional array of order 4 as an array of pointers to separately allocated one-dimensional arrays of order 8. The order 4 array is contiguous as are the order 8 arrays, however they need not be contiguous with one another other. This is the least efficient implementation due to the additional level of indirection required to navigate the array.

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