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Q: What research sources or data are there for the decline in vocabulary of modern teenagers compared with previous generations?
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That the youth today faces more pressure than the previous generation?

do you think that the young today faces more pressure than the previous generations

What does ancestry mean in the Bible?

List of previous generations (through the father), to prove one's Jewish roots, and also from which tribe of Jacob a person descended.

When calculating year over year do you divide by previous year or current and why?

You normally divide by the previous year. The general rule for calculating a relative (or percentage) change is to look at the change compared to the base, or earlier, year.

What will your child be if im half Polish quarter German and quarter Indian and your girlfriend is half Irish and half Italian?

They will be whatever the nationality of the country they happen to be born in ! For example - if the child is born in America, then they are American by birthright. Previous generations have no relevance to where someone is born. I am English - my parents were born here, and their parents were too - If I'd been born in Ireland, or France - I'd be Irish or French. I am and always will be English - by birth ! I think that your nationality IS influenced by your previous generations. So your child would be 1/4 Polish, 1/8 German, 1/8 Indian, 1/4 Irish, and 1/4 Italian.

Why birth rates are higher than death rates?

it isnt in all countries, for example, Japan has a -0.9% birth rate. But for the most part, people are having larger families than previous generations and the life expectanctcy is becoming longer due to better medical technology.

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What was life like for teenagers in England that were in World War 1 IN 1900s?

There was no such thing as a “teenager “ anywhere in the world in the time you ask about. People were children and then adults. The term “teenager “ doesn’t even enter the vocabulary until 1939 and it still took until the 1950’s that what we call a teen developed. The idea of a “teen” today also goes later in life than in previous generations.

Why is the history taught?

In the hopes that future generations can learn from the successes and failures of previous generations.

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Which concept is part of the theory of evolution by natural selection?

New generations are better suited to survive than previous generations.

Why indie rock popular among teenagers?

Because Indie isn't the boring, soulful rock nor is it the weird, stupid rock from previous generations. It is uptempo, light rock that is easy to enjoy. Just listen to Vampire Weekend. That will answer all your questions. Lol

Why teenagers today are more intelligent?

There is no evidence to suggest that teenagers today are inherently more intelligent than previous generations. However, advancements in technology and access to information may contribute to increased knowledge and skills among teenagers today. Additionally, changes in education methods and increased awareness of the importance of critical thinking and problem-solving skills may play a role in shaping the intellectual abilities of today's teenagers.

Are diseases different in 2008 than previous generations?

They didn't have AIDS back then.

What was the US Civil War compared to?

It was a blood bath and could be compared to no previous war.

Why digital native are differ from previous generation?

Digital natives, typically referring to individuals born into the digital age, differ from previous generations because they have grown up surrounded by technology like smartphones and the internet from a young age. As a result, they tend to be more comfortable with and reliant on technology for communication, information, and entertainment. This can lead to differences in how they interact with and perceive the world compared to older generations who may have adapted to technology later in life.

Who is Primarily interested in Total insurance premiums compared with previous year?

Senior manager is primarily interested in Total insurance premium compared with previous year.

Where to get a skorupi?

the safari-marsh place in Pastoria, like the safari zones of previous generations

How do wild plants form?

They grow from seeds left by previous generations of wild plants.