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For a 12 x 12 inch print your ideal image resolution dimensions should be 3600 pixels by 3600 pixels. At a minimum your dimensions should be 1800 by 1800 pixels. Larger mega pixel producing cameras are often better when you want to crop your image down to smaller sizes.

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Q: What resolution do my images need to be printed in a 12x12 frame?
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Where can a 1920 x 1200 picture frame be bought?

You can buy a 1920 x 1200 picture frame from the imageframes website, the eframe website or the eze frame website. Alternatively you can purchase a digital frame from the amazon shopping website which supports the 1920 x 1200 resolution.

How does the abacus look like?

it is a counting frame with beads. go here to see it

How many images are in a one second video?

It depends on the frame rate. The frame rate of the video tells you how many pictures are displayed every second. The most common frame rates (rounded to the nearest whole number) are 24 (flash animation), 25 (video) and 30 (video).

What will result in the best axial resolution long pulse length short pulse length low pulse repetition frequency or high pulsed repetition frequency?

== == In diagnostic ultrasound axial resolution is influenced by a number of factors including transmission pulse length and frequency of the probe. For best axial resolution short pulses are used - long pulses can potentially improve the signal to noise ratio but their use often results in "range side lobes", effectively a reduction in axial resolution. Pulse repetition frequency (PRF) is a separate issue to axial resolution however high frequency probes are able to have a higher PRF (resulting in higher frame rates) than low frequency probes due to the higher rate of absorption of the higher frequency signals.

When all four sides of a frame are equal what shape is the frame?

If all the corners are also equal the frame is a square.

Related questions

Where can you find a frame for poem?

Real frame, ebay. Printed frame, google.

How can I check the resolution of a video?

To check the resolution of a video, right-click on the video file, select "Properties," and then go to the "Details" tab. Look for the "Frame width" and "Frame height" values to determine the resolution of the video.

How do NFL game cameras work?

ThEy use motorized, high resolution, frame-by-frame cameras.

What digital frame has the best resolution?

The Digital Spectrum MV-1700 Plus has a resolution of 1280 x 1024.

Consider a 3 different raster system with resolutin of 64048012801024 and 25602048 what size frame buffer is needee for each of theae system tostore 12 bits and 24 bit?

For a 12-bit raster system with resolution 640x480, you would need a frame buffer of 640x480x12 bits. For a 24-bit raster system with the same resolution, the frame buffer would need to be 640x480x24 bits. For a 12-bit raster system with resolution 1280x1024, you would need a frame buffer of 1280x1024x12 bits. For a 24-bit raster system with the same resolution, the frame buffer would need to be 1280x1024x24 bits. For a 12-bit raster system with resolution 2560x2048, you would need a frame buffer of 2560x2048x12 bits. For a 24-bit raster system with the same resolution, the frame buffer would need to be 2560x2048x24 bits.

Can you change the framing of a shot in post-production?

As long as everything you want in the printed frame is in the camera frame, you can.

What is frame within a frame usually called?

in our photography class, it is either frame within frame, or double images. everyone calls it different things, but universally called frame within frame. :) If you mean frame within a 'door' frame. then it is called a sub-frame

Does the Sony STR DH500 AV receiver deliver crisp HD sound?

The Sony STR DH500 AV receiver delivers crisp 1080p resolution and stunning with 24p True Cinema technology that displays images at cinematic frame rates.

Images of hattie mcdaniel?

the first picture of hattie put in a frame

What is a frame in animation?

A frame in animation is a still image that belongs in a sequence of still images. Watch a cartoon and then pause it. You'll basically will see a frame of that cartoon.

How can I move images in Premiere Pro?

To move images in Premiere Pro, you can simply click and drag the image to the desired location on the timeline or canvas. You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to nudge the image frame by frame.

How can I use ffmpeg to convert a series of jpg images into an mp4 video file?

To convert a series of jpg images into an mp4 video file using ffmpeg, you can use the following command: ffmpeg -framerate frame rate -i imaged.jpg output.mp4 Replace frame rate with the desired frame rate of the video. This command will create an mp4 video file named output.mp4 from the jpg images in the current directory.