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Q: What responsiblity do working canadians have to those who cannot work and those who cannot afford housing?
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How many syllables does afford have?

there are two syllables

Is rugby upper class and football lower class?

I think that rugby has been integrated into the grammar schools and therefore more upper class tend to attend these schools. Football is a more down to earth game i feel and reaches more issues with the working class. Football gives the working classes an avenue through which people can get release from life. Originally rugby developed in English Public (i.e. Private) school. It was for a very long time a strictly amateur sport. This meant that it could only be played at a high level by those who had enough money to afford to spend much unpaid time on the pitch. This excluded the working classes for much of the game's history. In the north, rugby league has been a working man sport. It is professional. Association Football by comparison has long been professional. Working class men could afford to be full time players as they would be paid for their appearances. This contributed to soccer's popularity among the working classes. Moreover it was felt in the education system that the upper classes needed to develop aggression, thus it was right to teach upper class boys to play a full contact sport. The working classes, it was felt, needed their aggresion reinned in, so the powers that be encouraged soccer. Nowadays these stereotypes are breaking down, rugby is progessional and the traditional divsions are not so important. Still the tradition remains.

If payments on a house cost 7 per month per 1000 borrowed and you think you can afford 700 for a payment how much can you borrow?

if you can afford 700 each month you can borrow 1000 x 100 = 100,000

What can happen if the MRP is greater than a firm's MC?

The firm can afford to hire more workers.

How do you fly a billion pounds?

If you can afford it, carry a banker's order for a billion pounds in your pocket while you are in a plane!

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Many working-class families lived in slums because?

They could not afford to live anywhere else.

Do all Canadians go to school?

Sadly , no because not all Canadians can afford to go to school because some are poor or don't have enough money.

Who does council housing help?

In the United Kingdom, council housing refers to domiciles that were built in the late 19th and throughout the 20th century to assist working class people with renting a home which they could actually afford. Council housing is currently less common than it once was.

Which of the following assists low-income, elderly, and disabled persons to afford modest housing of their choosing?

Housing Choice Voucher Program

What was the role of the fha in helping individual families afford housing?

Guarnatee loan

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Why are so many people in the UK homeless?

The UK is economically depressed, which has two consequences for homelessness. There are more people who cannot afford to pay for their own housing, and there is also less tax revenue with which to pay for public housing programs to help people who are otherwise unable to afford housing.

Causes of housing problems?

the ROOT cause of housing problem is the OVERPOPULATION..why? because house is in the physiological needs of man and due to this the demands of house is raising and if they cannot afford to put up or there is no vacancy of location though you can afford to buy and established...

Why is it that there is a housing problem?

Housing problems occur when the government gets involved and forces lending practices that allow people to purchase homes they cannot afford.

Why was there so much poor housing in the towns and cities in the 19th century?

because they couldnt afford it

Why do we have low income housing?

This is for persons who are receiving low income and can not afford anything more expensive.

Where can I research senior citizen housing options in Miami?

My elderly mother can no longer afford her rent. Where can I research senior citizen housing options for her in the Miami area?