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Q: What reviewer used to mathematics major in let exam?
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How are fractions and decimals used in engineering?

Fractions and decimals are a major part of mathematics, and mathematics is a major part of engineering. They are used for a huge range of things involved in calculations for almost every part of an engineer's job.

What is the different between maths and science?

Answer: Mathematics are the tools of science Answer: Mathematics is ONE major branch of science; there are other branches of science. Mathematics is used in the other "exact sciences", for example in physics or chemistry.

What are the different instruments used in mathematics?

the instruments in mathematics

How mathematics is used in sports?

mathematics is used in sports when we add our scores to know who is the winner

How mathematics used in agriculture?

mathematics is used in agriculture when there are situations such as quantity of water and fertilizer to be applied.

Mathematics in cooking?

Mathematics in cooking can be used to calculate the proper amount of material or ingredients that are to be used in a recipe

Does mathematics lie in physical sciences?

Mathematics is used extensively in the physical sciences, by mathematics itself is not a physical science.

What is the field of discrete mathematics all about?

Discrete mathematics is used in business and is sometimes called the the mathematics of computers. Discret mathematics is used to optimize finite systems and answer questions like "What is the best route to the Natural History Musemum?"

Do measurements used in data collection involve the use of mathematics?

measurements used in data collection involve the use of mathematics

What is contemporary mathematics?

Contemporary mathematics refers to mathematics in general application and can be used anytime, anywhere and regardless of who uses it. In general, business mathematics and mathematics of investment may be well classified under this category.

How is bootstrapping used in the mathematics world?

Bootstrapping is used in the statistics side of mathematics. Bootstrapping is a method which is used to assign measures of accuracy to sample estimates.

What is the Difference between Non-science Mathematics and Scientific Mathematics?

The difference of this two kind of mathematics is that Non-Science Mathematics is used in cases that only logic is used to solve any problem, in the other hand; Scientific Mathematics is something related to Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry, because is used formulas, ways to solve big and tricky problems.