boar, bore, core, door, fore, for, gore, hoar, lore, more, nor, oar, pour, roar, soar, sore, tore, wore, war, yore
bun, dun, done, fun, gun, Hun, nun, pun, run, sun, son, tun, ton, won
Four hundred forty-four thousand, four hundred four
Four. Four. Four. Four.
Four and four equal eight.
Four cubed = 64.
Try dissect
Vain, Gain main
heaven, eleven, leaven, Kevin
Would, could, good, hood, should, stood, you'd, understood, misunderstood,
were soft, were smooth, were really really puffy
Thong Long Dong (As in Ding Dong) Bong Kong (As in King Kong) Wrong Hope one of them help!
bun, dun, done, fun, gun, Hun, nun, pun, run, sun, son, tun, ton, won
I touch many things, And the melody of the bird sings.
Four hundred forty-four thousand, four hundred four