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Q: What role does tRNA play in gene expression?
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What role does rna play in gene expression?

RNA plays a key role in gene expression by serving as the intermediary between DNA and proteins. RNA molecules are transcribed from DNA and then used as templates for protein synthesis during translation. Different types of RNA, such as messenger RNA (mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), and ribosomal RNA (rRNA), each contribute to various steps in the gene expression process.

What role does Trina RNA play in gene expression?

Trna RNA, or transfer RNA, plays a crucial role in protein synthesis by bringing amino acids to the ribosome during translation. It ensures that the correct amino acid is added to the growing protein chain based on the codons in the mRNA.

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What is the role in the 3 types of Rna in gene expression?

Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries genetic information from the DNA in the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm, where protein synthesis occurs. Transfer RNA (tRNA) brings amino acids to the ribosomes during protein synthesis, matching them to the codons on the mRNA. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is a component of the ribosomes where translation occurs, helping to catalyze the formation of peptide bonds between amino acids.

What consisting of only about 80 nucleotides which assume a looped shape?

MicroRNA is a type of small non-coding RNA consisting of about 80 nucleotides that forms a looped secondary structure. It plays a crucial role in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression by binding to target messenger RNA molecules.

What is the order or events in gene expressions?

Gene expression involves transcription of DNA into mRNA, followed by translation of mRNA into proteins. After transcription, the mRNA undergoes processing steps such as splicing and capping before it can be translated into a protein by ribosomes. Post-translation modifications may also occur to ensure proper functioning of the protein.

Which mutation cannot occur in a tRNA encoding gene?

A mutation that changes the start codon of a tRNA gene is unlikely to occur, as that could prevent proper translation of the tRNA. Mutations that disrupt critical structural elements such as the anticodon loop or the acceptor stem are also less likely, as they would affect the tRNA's functionality.

Does tRNA have proteins?

Yes, tRNA molecules do not have proteins. They are small RNA molecules that play a key role in protein synthesis by carrying specific amino acids to the ribosome during translation.

What is relatively small consisting of only about 80 nucleotides wich assume a looped shape?

This description matches a microRNA (miRNA). MiRNAs are small non-coding RNA molecules that are about 18-25 nucleotides in length and often assume a looped structure. They play important roles in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression.

What molecule contain anticodons?

The tRNA gene sequence is the anti-codon while mRNA is the codon sequence.

What is the name of the chemical substance that contains the anticodon?

The chemical substance that contains the anticodon is transfer RNA (tRNA). Each tRNA molecule carries a specific anticodon sequence that corresponds to a specific amino acid during protein synthesis.

What is the role Trna During translation?

tRNA (transfer RNA) carries specific amino acids to the ribosome during translation. It recognizes the codons on mRNA with its anticodon, ensuring the correct amino acid is added to the growing polypeptide chain. Overall, tRNA plays a crucial role in protein synthesis by translating the genetic code from mRNA into a specific amino acid sequence.