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Since I asked the question my guess is 3888 = MMMDCCCLXXXVIII.

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Q: What roman numeral under 4000 has the most letters in it?
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What is the roman numeral for 4000 please?

4000 = (IV) which is a simplified version of MMMM

What is a Roman Numeral for 5000 and 4000?

5000 in Roman numerals is _V. 4000 is M_V.

How do you represent 4000 in roman numerals?

The Roman numeral representation for 4000 is MMMM.

How do you write roman numeral 4000?

It is: (IV) which means 1000*4 = 4000

What is the roman numeral of 5000 and 4000?

(V) and (IV) respectively

What is the roman numeral for 4000 5000 10000?

In roman numerals 4000, 5000 and 10000 are IV, V and X respectively but with an horizontal bar above each numeral to signify multiplication by a thousand.

What is the common numeral for 4207?

It is already expressed as a numeral of 4207 but if you mean as a Roman numeral then it is (IV)CCVII which means 4000+207 = 4207

What is the REAL roman numeral for 4000?

4000 is known as MMMM in roman numerals but I don't want to sound different; according to the rules of roman numerals it is only supposed to go over three digits hence MMMM breaks the rule. 4000- MMMDD I'm not sure if that is quite right? I can't figure out the REAL roman numeral for 4000; all they put is MMMM but that breaks the rule, but sometimes 4000 is known as IV with a line on top. In case if someone asks YOU this question; try to know your roman numerals, if you think 4000 is MMMM in roman numerals, guess what, you're WRONG... IV represents 4 and so sometimes IV with a line on top will represent 4000, I am still not sure if MMMDD is quite right.

What is 4986 in roman numeral?

Roman numeral for: 4000 = IV with horizontal bar above it 900=CM 80=LXXX 6=VI Therefore: ..........__ 4986= IVCMLXXXVI

Roman numeral for 4000?

ↀƆ ↀ ↀ D 1500 + 1000 + 1000 + 500

What is the roman numeral for four billion?

(MMMM)M or (MV)M but with an horizontal line above the numeral V The above Roman symbols represent: 4000*1000*1000 which is equal to four billion

What is 4000 and 5000 in roman numeral?

(IV) and (V) respectively. Numerals in brackets signifies multiplication by a thousand. (IV) = 4*1000 = 4000 (V) = 5*1000 = 5000