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Q: What scale of measurement is associated with Highest degree earned?
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The amount of money earned after subtracting the costs associated with that earning is known as?


What is a terminal degree?

A terminal degree is defined as the "highest" degree available in a particular field. A Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) is an oft mentioned terminal degree in several fields of study. Other terminal degrees include: DA, DBA, Ed.D., DEng, DM, DMus, DMA, DPS, DSc, MD, DPH, et al. The purpose of a terminal degree is to ensure the highest level of competence in a particular discipline and to certify the person's ability to think independently. According to etiquette, only terminal degrees may follow a person's name, e.g., Jane Doe, Ph.D. Most, if not all, terminal degrees merit an earned (as opposed to inherited) title, such as Dr. Jane Doe.

Can you go to school for more than one degree?

Yes, I have two that I earned concurrently - a B.S. in Psychology and a B.A. in Gender Studies.

What is a cost sheet?

A cost sheet is a report on which is accumulated all of the costs associated with a product. It is used to compile the margin earned on a product or job.

What education is needed to become a Hematologist?

A bachelors degree, along with a recognized medical degree such as a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) degree, a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree, or a Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery degree must be earned from an accredited medical school. After that, an internal medicine residency followed by a fellowship in hematology must be completed and board certification examinations must be successfully passed. A pediatrics or pathology residency can also be completed prior to entering into fellowship instead of an internal medicine residency.

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Which racial group had the highest percentage of individuals who earned a bachelor's degree or more?

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Is a speech therapist a doctor?

If the speech therapist in question has earned a doctorate degree in the field (i.e. PhD), yes, they are to be duly referred to as Dr. as they have earned the highest degree available in their area of study.

What is does it mean to have a Ph.D in a subject?

These individuals have earned the title of Doctor. They have completed a Bachelor's Degree and a Master's Degree and then completed their doctoral studies and completed and defended their dissertation. It is the highest level of education.

Definition of doctor?

A qualified practitioner of medicine; a physician.A person who has earned the highest academic degree awarded by a college or university in a specified discipline.

What are the three pins that may be worn below your name on the FFa jacket?

The three pins that can be worn on the jacket are: FFA office highest degree earned FFA award pin - proficiency pin, leadership award, etc If you are not an officer, you can put two award pins on the jacket.

Is it appropriate to say earned JD Degree or just Juris Doctorate?

It is more appropriate to say "earned a JD degree" or "obtained a Juris Doctor degree." "Juris Doctorate" is not the correct term to use when referring to the degree.

How much money does a nurse make with an associates degree compared to a bachelor's degree?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the median annual wages of registered nurses were $62,450 in May 2008. The middle 50 percent earned between $51,640 and $76,570. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $43,410, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $92,240.

What special degree did Mr Rogers earn?

Mr. Rogers earned a Bachelor degree in music composition. He earned the degree in 1951. After earning this degree, he started the Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.

What was the highest himmler earned?
