chemistry, Biology, physics, environmental science, and anatomy and physiology.If you can take organic chemistry then it is a good idea to.(:Criminal justice, government and law. Look into dual enrollment options at a community college, too. Take advantage of any psychology courses of a history elective. Look into sociology and anthropology.
Hope this helped
To become a medical examiner you should take all math classes. You should also take extra science classes. If your school offers anatomy, then you should take that as well.
the math classes you have to take to be veterinarian is the number of classes you have to take to be a veterinarian.
Math, math is the back bone to all science, without out math there is no science.
math is science and explains science to every detail. math is a branch of science
A picture of a Venn diagram is in the related links. They are useful because they help you map out problems such as "If there are 3 students in math, 5 students in science and 6 students in total, how many are in both math and science?" To this, you can use the Venn diagram to reason that since there seem to be 8 students in total if math and science are separate, there must be 2 students in both classes.
you have to have 8 years of collage consisting of classes such as math bioligy science. you have to have a masters degree and so oneyou have to have 8 years of collage consisting of classes such as math bioligy science. you have to have a masters degree and so one
Yes. Pretty much any collage program for engineering will require you to take higher level math and physics classes.
Shall I assume you mean college and not collage? A good rounded education with classes in science, history or social studies, English and math plus some electives like a foreign language or orchestra should do it.
find me a collage where i can become an astronaut
Take lots of math and science classes.
If you want to study to be an obstetrician or gynecologist: you should be taking high level science and math courses. To be an ob/gyn you might have to take higher math and science classes. maybe like chemistry:)
Yes. Any medical fields require a lot of math and science.
academic classes
Students have to take 1 science course at Emerson if they didn't take an AP Science in high school, and most students don't have to take math if they did decently well in high school math or on the math section of the SAT. WLP majors can take photography, theater, dance, and music classes to fill their some of their GenEd Courses, or in open spots in their schedules.
math, science, maria, and other classes. cool :) maria
English ,Reading ,Math, Arts Rotation classes, Gym/Health, Science,and Social Studies.
yes you can