the sentries marched the border and would trade tobacco and other things and told each other about events that happened at camp
Sometimes they are, sometimes they are not.
Sometimes they are, sometimes not.
they are not sometimes prisms
Read the book
There are multiple sentries at our school
Sometimes, people call the soldiers who keep watch for enemies Sentries or lookouts.
Sometimes, people call the soldiers who keep watch for enemies Sentries or lookouts.
Sometimes, people call the soldiers who keep watch for enemies Sentries or lookouts.
The commander posted sentries to watch for possible enemy attacks.The sentries would not let civilians enter the base without authorization.
What is the first word to the third order to the sentry
Lookout, watch, sentinel
The plural noun "sentries" is more than one sentry or guard. The similar plural noun "centuries" means periods of 100 years.
It is by Creon and then by lots that the sentries are chosen in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban King Creon chooses sentries to keep the bodies of the disloyal Theban dead from being buried. The sentries find Polyneices' body partially buried under a dusty layer. Creon is known to take an unlikable message out on the messenger. No one volunteers to inform the king so they cast lots to decide who will carry out the loathsome task.