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Q: What separates both halves of the brain?
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What are the two halves of the brain called?

right hemisphere and left hemisphere

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A line of symmetry divides a figure into two matching halves.

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a hemisphere

What is the four labs of the brain?

We consider the brain in four sections, or lobes, by area. Each lobe extends across both hemispheres (halves) of the brain. They are the frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes.

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What is the fluid-filled cavity that separates the right and left halves of the diencephalon?

The third ventricle

Two halves of the brain are completely symmetrical?


The two halves of the brain are completely symmetrical?


What is corpus callosotomy?

Corpus callosotomy. This procedure.removes some or all of the white matter that separates the two halves of the brain. Corpus callosotomy is performed almost exclusively on children who are frequently injured during falls caused by seizures.

What is the thing that separates the brain from the scull?

The brain is inside a bag of tissue (membrane) called the duramater, this membrane holds liquid (cephaloraquidean liquid), the brain is "floating" in this liquid, and the membrane surrounds the brain and the liquid separaing both from the skull.

What connects the two parts of the brain and consist of gray matter?

The corpus callosum is a broad band of neuronal (nerve) fibers that connect, or join, both hemispheres of the Brain.