Integers are numbers with no fractional part.
Rational numbers are those that can be expressed as a fraction (unlike pi or square root of 2).
The number -1 is both because it has no fractional part and can be expressed as -1/1.
Its an imperial numberIts belong to rational, whole, and integars.
No. Sqrt(2) is irrational, as is -sqrt(2). Both belong to the irrationals but their sum, 0, is rational.
Rational positive numbers
Rational numbers because it can be expressed as a fraction
If you're talking about real numbers, then it would be a rational number.
Its an imperial numberIts belong to rational, whole, and integars.
Rational and Real numbers
its real, rational, and an integer
rational and prime numbers
10 belongs to the set "natural numbers", but it can also belong to whole numbers, and rational numbers
It belongs to the set of prime numbers
No. Sqrt(2) is irrational, as is -sqrt(2). Both belong to the irrationals but their sum, 0, is rational.
Rational positive numbers
Rational numbers because it can be expressed as a fraction
It belongs to the set of negative rational numbers, negative real numbers, fractionall numbers, rational numbers, real numbers.
It can be element of: Rational numbers or Real numbers
If you're talking about real numbers, then it would be a rational number.