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The set {2, -3.7, 16.33... (repeating)} is one possible set.

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Q: What set of numbers is contained in the set of rational numbers?
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Which of the following set(s) of Numbers whole Numbers integres are Also contained in the set of rational Numbers?

Whole numbers and integers are rational.

How does a Venn diagram show that integers and whole numbers are rational numbers?

The sets of integers and whole numbers are completely contained in the set comprising rational numbers.

Is the set of whole numbers contained within the set of rational number why?

Yes, and both are infinite sets.

Is the intersection of the set of rational numbers and the set of whole numbers is the set of rational numbers?

No, it is not.

Are natural numbers the same of rational numbers?

The set of rational numbers includes the set of natural numbers but they are not the same. All natural numbers are rational, not all rational numbers are natural.

Are integers in a set of rational numbers?

Yes - the set of integers is a subset of the set of rational numbers.

A set of numbers combining rational and irrational numbers?

The Real numbers

Derived Set of a set of Rational Numbers?

The derived set of a set of rational numbers is the set of all limit points of the original set. In other words, it includes all real numbers that can be approached arbitrarily closely by elements of the set. Since the rational numbers are dense in the real numbers, the derived set of a set of rational numbers is the set of all real numbers.

What is set of rational numbers union with integers?

It is the rational numbers.

Does a real number contain the set of rational numbers?

No. A real number is only one number whereas the set of rational numbers has infinitely many numbers. However, the set of real numbers does contain the set of rational numbers.

How are rational numbers and integal numbers related to set of real numbers?

Both rational numbers and integers are subsets of the set of real numbers.

How are rational number different from fractional and whole number?

The set of rational numbers is the union of the set of fractional numbers and the set of whole numbers.