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Q: What several times mean?
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If you have done something several times how many times is several?

The word 'several' can mean different things. For example, several minutes and several years are different.

I have flutters in my chest several times a day what does this mean?

I have no idea :S

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Yes, I have had that expriense several times. What soes it mean to you?

When can you play Bianca in Pokemon black?

If you mean play AS her, You can't. If you mean AGAINST her, you battle her several times throughout the game

What does it mean if a girl glances at you several times when you are alone together?

It means that she likes you and that's all that it means.

How come I have to attemt uploading my YouTube video several times?

what do you mean? I mean exactly what the question says. And don't "answer" the question unless it is a true answer.

What does asthenes mean?

The asthenes appear several times on the New Testament. The meaning of this word is weak, helpless, and unimpressive.

What does sponging mean?

Sponging could mean to wipe clean with a sponge or wet cloth, or to borrow money off someone (often several times).

What does key lyrics mean?

The words that explain the key or central idea of the song, often repeated several times.

What does echo mean in drama?

When you repeat the same word several times but get quieter towards the end like an echo.

Why is it important to repeat several times?

why is it important to repeat an investigation several times?

Who was Onkolos in Jewish history?

If you mean Onkelos, he is mentioned several times in the Talmud. According to the tradition, he was a prominent Roman nobleman.