A reflex angle
The dimwit shape. if you want a joke keep reading, there are 3 types of people, those who can count and those who can't. if you dont get this google it.
Answer Reflex Angle
It can, but does not have to.
No. For a start, a circle has no angles. No regular polygon has a reflex angle.
A reflex angle
In plane geometry, a shape with four sides, two of which are parallel and have the same length, cannot have a reflex angle.
The dimwit shape. if you want a joke keep reading, there are 3 types of people, those who can count and those who can't. if you dont get this google it.
A rectangle is not an angle at all. It's a flat shape that looks like a box. A rectangle can never have a reflex angle inside it. But it always has four of them on the outside.
Answer Reflex Angle
reflex angle
A reflex angle is larger.