Hexagon...Don't get caught up in the number of right angles. What matters is the number of sides...It has 6 sides.
A regular hexagon has equal sides and equal angles(120)
A parallelogram
A rectangle.
a square and a rectangle
A right trapezium.
A trapezoid has 4 sides, 2 right angles and 1 pair of parallel lines
A square.
A parallelogram does not have to be four right angles. A parallelogram is a four sided shape with two parallel lines.
a tetrahedon
4 perpendicular lines (Assume that it is perpendicular)----> # 2 lines intersected made 4 right angles. 4 lines make 16 right angles. 4*4=16
It it called a trapeziumor a Square
a parallelogram, maybe?
A RECTANGLE has 4 sides and 4 right angles.
with 2 right angles?....I'm not sure that this type of shape is possible...
An irregular dodecagon.
It is a rectangle having 4 interior right angles
A shape with 4 right angles and 4 equal sides is a square. ==========================