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rectangles and squares have

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Q: What shape has all four angles are congruent?
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Having four sides and four angles?

A shape that has four straight sides and four angles is defined as a quadrilateral. If all four angles are right angles, it is a rectangle, and if all four sides are congruent, it is a square.

Are angles and sides of a parallelogram congruent?

In all parallelograms, opposite angles and opposite sides are congruent. If all four sides are congruent, it's a rhombus. If all four angles are congruent, it's a rectangle. If all four sides and all four angles are congruent, it's a square.

Has four sides all sides are congruent and opposite sides are parallel and all angles are right angles what shape is this?

It is a square

Are all figures with 4 congruent sides a square?

All figures with four congruent sides are rhombuses. All figures with four congruent angles are rectangles. Any shape that is both a rhombus and a rectangle is a square.

What shape has all angles are congruent?

A regular polygon has all congruent angles such as a square or an equilateral triangle

What closed shape has four angles all angles are right angles opposite sides are congruent and opposite sides are parallel?

A square or a rectangle perhaps?

All angles are congruent?

Um, I'm not sure what that is soposed to mean, but if this helps, in a shape, not all angles are congruent unless they are all the same size and shape.

What quadrilateral has all angles congruent?

The quadrilaterals with all angles congruent are rectangles and squares. They are the only quadrilaterals in which all four angles are right angles.

What has 4 congruent and no right angles?

A rhombus is a parallelogram with all four sides congruent to each other with no right angles. A square is a parallelogram with four congruent sides and four right angles.

How many congruent angles does all rhombuses have?

All rhombuses have two pairs of congruent angles (opposite angles are congruent to one another - a square is a special case type of rhombus in which all four angles are congruent).

Are all rhombuses aquares?

No, definition of rhombus is having four congruent sides, but that means its angles don't have to be all congruent. A square is having four congruent sides and angles.