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a triangle only has one line of symmetry

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Q: What shape has at least one lin e of symmetry?
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A shape that has at least one line of symmetry?

a shape with a line of symmetry

What shape has at least one one of Symmetry?

How about an isosceles triangle which has one line of symmetry

What 2D shape has at least one line if symmetry?

The 2D shape which has one line of symmetry is the trapezium.

A shape has at least one line of symmetry?

Not necessarily.

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What shape has at least 1 line of symmetry?

An isosceles triangle has one line of symmetry

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What is a shape called which has at least one line of symmetry?


What shape least one line of symmetry?

An isosceles triangle

Which 2d shape has at least one line of symmetry?

An isosceles triangle and a kite have only one line of symmetry.

What shape Has at least one line of symmetry and begins with a s?

A square

What shape that has at least one line of symmetry?

None.All shapes were at least 3 sides or more.