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a rhombus

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Q: What shape has exactly four lines of symmetry?
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What shape has exactly 4 lines of symmetry?

A square has exactly four lines of symmetry.

Which figure has exactly four lines of symmetry?

A square has exactly four lines of symmetry.

Draw a shape with two lines of symmetry?

A line of symmetry can be thought of as the line where you could cut a shape (or a line or any object) and it would look the exact same on both sides. An example of a shape with exactly two lines of symmetry would be a rectangle. A square also has at least two lines of symmetry, but it actually has four total.

Does every rectangle have exactly two lines of symmetry?

Yes, unless its a square, then there are four lines of symmetry.

Does a rectangle or square have exactly 2 lines of symmetry?

Technically, a square is a rectangle with four lines of symmetry. A non-square rectangle has exactly two lines of symmetry: the vertical and the horizontal.

Which shape have four lines of symmetry?

rhombus rhombus

What shape has four equal sides and four lines of symmetry?

a square

What is a quadrilateral that has exactly two lines of symmetry?

A four-sided quadrilateral having two lines of symmetry is a rectangle

What four sided shape has no lines of symmetry?

a scalene pyramid.

What four sided shape has 2 lines of symmetry?


What shape has four right angles but only two lines of symmetry?

A rectangle. Obviously the right angles are in the four corners of the rectangle. The lines of symmetry occur across the horizontal and vertical. There are no lines of symmetry on the diagonal.

What shape has two parallel lines and four lines of symmetry?

a square...........regtangle............i hope this helps :)