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Q: What shape has one vertex and one edge?
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What shape has one vertex and 1 edge?

A cone has one vertex and one edge.

What shape has one vertex one edge and one base?

A cone has one vertex, one edge, and one base.

What is a shape with one face no edge no vertex?

How about a sphere as an example that fits the given description

What shape has 2 faces1 edge and no vertex?

A lenticular shape: the shape of a lens.

What shape has one vertex one edge and two faces?

A cone would fit the given description

How many faces edges and vertices's are in cone shape?

Conventionally, two faces, one edge and one vertex.

What shape has 1 vertex 1 edge and 1 base?

The Cone

What geometric shape has 1 base 1 edge and no vertex?


Which shape has: 2 faces, 1 edge, 1 vertex?

A cone

What has 1 vertices edges 1 faces 1?

A teardrop-shape would have one vertex (the tip), one edge and one face

Not a shape it has one vertex angle of the vertex is 90 degrees what shape is it?

L shape

What shape has 1 vertex 1 edge and 2 faces?

A ConeA cone.