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Q: What shape has three verticies besides a triangle?
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What three points can be the verticies of a triangle?

Any three points anywhere in space can be the vertices of a triangle, as long as all three are not colinear.

Any three points can be the verticies of a triangle?

No. Not if they are collinear (on the same straight line).

How many corners does a three dimensional triangle have?

First, I'm assuming the by corners, you mean verticies. Second, the answer depends on what you mean by "three dimensional triangle. To some, this could be interpreted as a pyramid. However, I think it is more likely that you are referring to a triangular prism- a prism shape with a triangle as each base. In this case, there are six "corners". Each side has three, where the length-wise edges of the prism intersect the verticies of the triangle. There are three corners on each side, for a total of six. If you really meant a pyramid, then there are five corners.

How many sides does a isosceles triangle have?

It has 3 sides.every tryangle has three sides and three verticies no matter what kind it is

True or false Any three points can be the verticies of a triangle?

False. Three collinear points determine a line while three non-collinear points determine a plane ( A Triangle)

What do you call a shape with three sides?

A triangle.

Name a three corner shape other than a triangle?

Triangle means 3 angles. No other shape exists and any three angle shape is a triangle

What is a shape with 3 perpendicular sides?

A shape with three and only three sides is a triangle, but it is not possible for a triangle to have three perpendicular sides.

What is the meaning of triangle?

A triangle is a three sided shape.

What shape has three straight sides?

A triangle. An equalateral triangle

What shape has 2D shape and three-sided shape?

a triangle

A triangle is a with three sides and three angles?

A triangle is a shape with three sides and three angles. This is a very basic shape taught to young children.