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Q: What shape has two hexagonal faces on each side?
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What shape has two 6 sided faces on the side and 6 rectangular faces?

A hexagonal prism

How many parallel faces are on a hexagonal prism?

For a uniform hexagonal prism, there are four pairs of parallel sides. On a hexagonal prism, the six side faces have interior angles of 120 degrees, so each face is parallel with one three over from it. The ends (base and top) are parallel and 90 degrees from each side.

How many side faces and vertices does a hexagonal prism have?

Sides and faces are the same thing. A hexagonal prism has 8 faces and 12 vertices.

Do all pyramids have 4 faces?

No, there are many different types of pyramids. To give a real-life comparison, the Egyptian pyramids are square pyramids, and have 5 faces. Triangular pyramids have 4 faces. (Count the base as one face) A pentagonal pyramid would have 6 faces. (Five on each side, plus the base) A hexagonal pyramid would have 7 faces, etc. (One for each side base + the base's face)

What is the side of a shape called?

A shape's sides are called faces.

What shape has 12 faces and 20 vertices?

A dodecahedron.A dodecahedron.A dodecahedron.A dodecahedron.

What shape has only two flat faces?

A cylinder would fit the given description because it has two flat circular faces each side of a circular body.

Hexagonal pyramid faces?

well it has 3 faces top , side , front .The top is a rectangle , the side is 3 rectangles and the front is 1 simple rectangle so its made out of rectangles duhh lol ,..

What is the shape of each of the faces of a pyramid?

Instead of telling you the answer, think: What does it mean to have the pyramidal Shape? Hint: There are many many cases, but only the "base" is changing, the side is always the same shape.

How many sides does a mineral quartz have?

Sorry!We don't know you can try asking a different website like......Ask Jeeves and/or Ask Jeeves for kidsGoogle itBingYahooOr any other search engine.Thanks for that Bye!

Why are faces called faces on a cube?

Any plane shape on the side of a polyhedron is called a face.

What shape is each face of a rectangular prism?

There are a total of 6 faces on a rectangular prism. Each side is a rectangle. (Try looking up a picture, it will help you visualize it)