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A concave mirror bulges away from the incident light.

The image of an object depends on where exactly the object is placed - relative the to focal length of the mirror.

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Q: What shape is a concave mirror and what do things look like in it?
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Is a mirror that curves inward concave in shape?

yes concave is like a cave

What is a polygon difference shape Concave and Convex?

Okay, you know those big mirror like things that they have in hospitals on stores to see whats coming around the corner? Well those mirror things are convex. The mirror ones that 'cave in' are concave. And they are different from a polygon because they really don't have sides like squares or rectangles:) Hope this helped.

Does a concave lens affect light more like a concave mirror or a convex mirror?

A concave lens behaves more like a concave mirror because it diverges light rays away from a focal point, whereas a convex mirror converges light rays towards a focal point.

What is the difference between concave lens and the concave mirror?

A concave lens is thinner in the middle and thicker at the edges, causing light rays to diverge. A concave mirror, on the other hand, is curved inward like the inside of a bowl, causing light rays to converge at a focal point. Both have different optical properties and applications.

Is a convex lens more like a convex mirror or a concave mirror in the way it produces images?

A convex lens is more like a concave mirror in the way it produces images. A convex lens converges light rays to form real or virtual images, much like how a concave mirror can do the same by reflecting light. Both convex lenses and concave mirrors can produce both real and virtual images depending on the object's position relative to the lens or mirror.

When the surface of a mirror curves like the inside of a bowl it is called a?

concave mirror

Describe what happen to parallel light rays hitting in a concave mirror?

Parallel light rays hitting a concave mirror will converge to a single focal point after reflection, due to the mirror's inward or converging shape. The focal point is located on the principal axis of the mirror, halfway between the mirror's center and the vertex. This property of concave mirrors is used in applications like focusing light in telescopes and for creating images in reflective devices.

What is the shape of a concave mirror?

A concave mirror has a surface that curves inward like a bowl. When parallel light rays approach a curved surface and strike at different points on the curve, each ray will reflect at a slightly different direction :) Hope this answers your question

Does convex make you upside down or concave?

A convex shape curves outward like a bowl, while a concave shape curves inward like a cave. Convex shapes do not make things upside down.

A mirror with a surface that curves inward like the inside of a bowl is a?

concave mirror

Can a convex mirror act as concave mirror?

If this mirror is reflective on both sides, then it can be both concave and convex. Otherwise, the two cannot act like one another.

What do you mean by convex mirror and concave mirror?

A convex mirror is curved outward, like the back of a spoon, and diverges light rays to create a virtual image that is always upright and smaller than the object. A concave mirror is curved inward, like the inside of a spoon, and can create both real and virtual images depending on the object's position relative to the mirror.