the shape with the most sides is unknown
Equiangular just means that all of the angles are the same, but the term is most often used to describe an equilateral triangle.
he most common shape is a rectangular prism.
I guess the circle or sphere ... you use it to do the many constructions to build other shapes and it is found throughout the universe
The shape with the fewest corners, ie the sphere.
Triangle. Its the strongest geometric shape
touchpads are most found on notebook computers!
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Mercury is most often found in thermometers.
Yes it will most often influence how fast it can go and how easily it will get there.
Mandarin Oranges or tangerines are most often found in Christmas stockings
Bacteria microbes are most commonly found in three shapes: cocci (spherical), bacilli (rod-shaped), and spirilla (spiral-shaped). Each shape has unique characteristics that can help identify different types of bacteria.
Arrogance is the character flaw most often found in the protagonist of Greek tragedies.
europe ;)
A cell wall is a feature that is found most often in prokaryotic cells. It provides structure, support, and protection to the cell.