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Q: What shape is the face of a octahedron?
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Is octahedron a polygon?

An octahedron is not a polygon. A polygon is a two dimensional shape. An octahedron is a three dimensional shape and is classified as a polyhedron.

How many face vertex edges does a octahedron have?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. An octahedron can have 6 to 12 vertices, and 12 to 18 edges.

What is a sentence with octahedron?

An octahedron is a closed solid shape with eight polygonal faces.

What is a 2 Dimensional shape of a octahedron?

The equivalent of a octahedron as a 2D shape is an 8 sided octagon.

What is a octahedron solid?

An octahedron is a 3D shape with 8 sides.

How do you use octahedron in a sentence?

The octahedron is a shape with eight triangular faces.

How many triangular faces does a octahedron have?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. An octahedron can have triangles for all eight faces or, as is the case with a hexagonal prism, not a single triangular face.

Does an octahedron have a right angle face?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. It is possible for some of these faces to be right angled.

How many edges and vertices does an 62 face octahedron have?

An octahedron has eight faces. If it has 62 faces then it is not an octahedron!

Each face of a octahedron is what pollygon?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. They can have faces which are triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons or heptagons.

What is a octahedron for kids?

An octahedron is any solid shape with eight flat faces.