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I suggest a 3-dimensional star shape, each of whose faces are not plane but concave.

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Q: What shape is the least aerodynamic regardless of the direction it is facing or moving?
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An object traveling in one direction can be accelerated in another direction by applying a force in the desired direction. This force will cause the object's velocity to change, leading to acceleration in the new direction. The acceleration will depend on the magnitude and direction of the force applied.

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The force of gravity always acts in the downward direction, regardless of the direction in which the object is moving. When a body is thrown up, the force of gravity is acting in the opposite direction to the motion of the object.

What does it mean to say you can be aerodynamic?

aerodynamic |ˌe(ə)rōdīˈnamik|adjectiveof or relating to aerodynamics : aerodynamic forces.• of or having a shape that reduces the drag from air moving past : the plane has a more aerodynamic shape.

What direction could a live specimen be moving if it moves left across your field of view?

That would depend on which direction u r facing as it moves left across your field of view. If u r facing West, the spicemen would b moving south, if u r facing north, it would b moving west, if u r facing east, it would b moving north, & if u r facing south, it would b moving east. Most likely the specimen would b travelling in a frontwards direction as opposed 2 backwards, but I think most live specimens r able 2 move in either direction (except maybe fish?) LOL! But im not sure of that fact.

What is the name of shape for bodies moving in fluid?

aerodynamic or streamlined

The is the difference between speed and velocity?

Speed is a scalar quantity that measures how fast an object is moving, regardless of direction. Velocity, on the other hand, is a vector quantity that includes both the speed of an object and the direction in which it is moving. So, while speed tells you how fast an object is moving, velocity tells you both how fast and in what direction it is moving.

Speed and velocity how are they alike?

Speed and velocity both describe how fast an object is moving. The main difference is that velocity includes direction, whereas speed is just a measure of how fast something is moving regardless of direction.

The resistance that results when a body moving is moved through the air is called?

The resistance that results when a body moving through the air is called aerodynamic drag or air resistance. It is a force that acts opposite to the direction of motion, slowing down the movement of the object.

What is the difference velocity and speed?

Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction, so it measures how fast an object is moving in a specific direction. Speed, on the other hand, is a scalar quantity that only measures how fast an object is moving regardless of direction.

Does speed include the direction an object is traveling?

No, speed does not include the direction an object is traveling. Speed only refers to how fast an object is moving regardless of its direction. Velocity, on the other hand, includes both speed and direction.

How fast an object is moving regardless of the direction it is going?

The speed of an object, regardless of its direction, is known as its scalar speed. It represents the magnitude of the object's velocity vector without considering the direction of motion.

What does velocity tell you that speed does not?

Velocity tells you the speed of an object in a specific direction, while speed only tells you the how fast it is moving regardless of direction. Velocity is a vector quantity, combining speed with direction, whereas speed is a scalar quantity.