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Q: What shapes are considered unlucky?
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In the United Kingdom is the number 13 considered to be lucky or unlucky?


Are black cats lucky or unlucky?

Black cats are considered unlucky.

Is black considered unlucky?

No, however something like a cat who happens to be black IS considered unlucky by some people.

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What is an unlucky symbol?

For many generations, black cats were considered unlucky. In some cultures, the numbers 7 or 13 are also unlucky.

Why is Friday traditionally considered an unlucky day by people in Christian countries?

Friday is not considered an unlucky day by people in Christian countries. Some superstitious people consider Friday the 13th an unlucky day.

Is it number 4 is considered lucky in japan?

No. It is considered very unlucky.

Is the number 13 considered to be lucky or unlucky?

Unlucky in most cultures.However in Judaism 13 is actually considered a lucky number. The age when a boy becomes a man.

Why is 4 unlucky in Chinese culture?

In Chinese culture there are many things that are considered unlucky. The number 4 is considered unlucky because it sounds very similar to the word 'death'. Because of this the number 4 is usually skipped on lines.

What numbers are considered unlucky?

Many people believe the number 13 is unlucky. However, some cultures think of it as lucky. In Italy, I think, the numbers 4 and 17 are considered unlucky, and I think the number 9 in Japan is associated with death. However, numbers like 8 and 328 are considered prosperous in Chinese culture.

Why is 13 considered unlucky and why is 7 considered lucky?

Because 7x2 is 14-1 is 13!

Is 7 an unlucky number?

7 is considered by most to be a lucky number.