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Not much you can do if the quail are wild but if they domestic and you are able to control their water supply then this will help.

Any of the birds who are in distress can be picked up and their beak/nostril area can be wiped with a soft cloth wet with warm water. The objective is to remove mucus from the nostrils located about half way up the top of the beak from the tip. Those you can help this way will begin to eat and drink again. The next step is to add 2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar to each gallon of water available in the water dispenser. This should be the ONLY water that is made available to the flock for the next three days (no more than 3 days). Apple cider vinegar helps to clear mucus and aids in recovery from respiratory distress.
The birds may sneeze and cough a few hours after treatment begins. More vinegar is not better, too much and the birds will refuse to drink any water causing a worse problem.
You can also buy a water soluble tonic from wherever you buy your bird feed.

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When was the quail mentioned in the Bible?

Quail are mentioned four times in the Bible: Exodus 16:13, Numbers 11:31 and 32, and Psalm 105:40.

Habicht 20ga sxs value?

I purchased a twelve gauge Habicht at a gun show in Tulsa Oklahoma 15 years ago for $350 And have put it through the paces of Dove and Quail hunting every year since. The last one I saw listed was for $699 but it was a 16 gauge.

What does the bible mean by Quails in exodus chapter 16?

That was the "flesh" God provided a.k.a. meat. Quails are mottled brown migratory game birds smaller than North American bobwhite quails. God used them to provide food for Israel in the wilderness ( Exodus 16:13, Numbers 11:31-32, Ps. 105:40 ). Enormous numbers of quail migrate north during the spring after wintering in Africa.

How many incidents are there in the Bible in which food is miraculously provided to people?

The main account in the Old Testament of food miraculously provided to people is in the story of the Exodus, when God provided manna from heaven and quail for the fleeing Israelites. As it is now the consensus of almost all scholars that there was no Exodus from Egypt as described in the Bible, this account should probably not be regarded as a real miracle.1 Kings 17:1-6 has ravens bring food to Elijah when he fled from the presence of King Ahab, with vague similarities to the quail brought for the fleeing Israelites. This is not quite miraculous in the same way, except that the ravens understood Elijah's need and responded.In Mark's Gospel, largely followed by the other gospels, there are two related events in which Jesus miraculously fed 5000 and soon afterwards 4000, then implicitly fed the disciples who were hungry and only had one loaf. The close relationship of these miracles to each other and to other several miracles and discourses in Mark 6:33-8:21 can be seen in the following list, with at least ten separate references to food and an underlying theme of the disciples not understanding:Jesus and the disciples had no leisure so much as to eat, so they went into a desert placeFeeding the 5000When Jesus walked on water the disciples were amazed, for they considered not the miracle of the loavesPharisees complain about the disciples eating with unwashed handsDiscourse - what goes into a man goes into his belly and does not defileGreek woman metaphorically begs for crumbs from the tableFeeding the 4000Disciples are hungry and have only one loaf of bread - a similar situation to the two feedings of thousandsJesus warns the disciples about the leaven of the Pharisees and they reason, "It is because we have no bread," showing they do not understandSummary by Jesus of the two feasts, asking again, "Why is it that ye do not understand?"These are in turn related as a group to the Last Supper, through the framework parallel structure of Mark. A parallel structure is a literary sequence in which an opening set of events is contrasted with another, parallel set of events that mirrors the first, using association for emphasis and to develop themes that would not otherwise be apparent, as shown in the following table: A . John explains the coming of Jesus (Mark 1:1-8) B .The baptism of Jesus (1:9)C . The voice of God from heaven, "Thou art my beloved son" (1:11)D . The forty days in the wilderness as an allusion to Elijah and Moses (1:13)E . The people were astonished at what Jesus taught (1:22)F . Jesus casts out an unclean spirit (1:23-26)G . Pharisees took counsel with the Herodians how they might destroy Jesus (3:6)H . Demons, whenever they see Jesus, fall down and say that he is the Son of God.-- Jesus commands that they tell no one of this (3:11-12)I .. Jesus calls the 12 disciples (3:13-19)J .. Jesus rejects his own family: he has a new family, his followers (3:31-35)K . Jesus rebukes the wind (4:36-41)L . The demoniac, wearing no clothes (5:15), cries out that Jesus not torment him and Jesus sends out the demons (5:1-20)M . Jesus comes into his own country (6:1)-- Where he was brought upN . The people misunderstand Jesus and he can do no mighty work (6:2-6)O . Jesus sends out the disciples and curses those who will not receive them (6:7-11)-- in sending the disciples with authority and expecting all to receive them, Jesus is asserting his own authorityP . Herod thinks that Jesus is John the Baptist risen from the dead (6:14)Q . Herodias and her daughter conspire to kill John the Baptist (6:16-29)R . Feeding the thousands, and related miracles and discourses (6:33-8:21)S . Who do people say that I am (8:27)T . Peter affirms faith in Jesus as the Christ (8:29)U . Whosoever shall be ashamed of me: of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed (8:38)V . The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and scribes (8:31a)W . Be killed and after three days rise again (8:31b)X . Prophecy of second coming (9:1)- Jesus tells the disciples that some of them would not taste death until they saw the kingdom of God coming with power.B' .The Transfiguration of Jesus (9:2-3)C' .The voice of God from heaven, "This is my beloved son" (9:7)D' . Jesus talks to Elijah and Moses then to the disciples about Elijah (9:4-13)E' .A great multitude was amazed at Jesus (9:15)F' .Jesus cast out a dumb spirit (9:17-27)G' .They shall kill the Son of man and he shall rise on the third day (9:31)H' .Jesus clarifies his divine status, saying that he is not God: "Why call me good? There is none good but God" (10:18)I' . Peter says the disciples have left all and followed Jesus (10:28)J' . Those who have left their family for Jesus have a new family: all Jesus' followers (10:29-30)K'. Jesus rebukes the 'sons of thunder', James and John (10:35-45 - cf 3:17)L' .Blind Bartimaeus cries out for mercy and casts off his clothes, then Jesus heals him (10:46-52)M' .Jesus comes into Jerusalem (11:1-10)-- Where he will dieN' .Jesus misunderstands the fig tree that can provide no fruit (11:13-14)O' .Jesus casts out them that sold and bought in the Temple and curses them for making the Temple a den of thieves (11:15-17)-- Jesus is asserting his authorityP' .Jesus asks whether the baptism of John is from heaven or of men, and the priests, scribes and elders can not answer (11:30-33)Q' .Parable of husbandmen who conspire to kill the vineyard owner's son (12:1-9)X' .Prophecy of second coming (chapter 13)-- on clouds of glory, within the lifetimes of some of those to whom he was speakingR' .The Last Supper (14:17-25)S' .Art thou the Christ, Son of God (14:61)T' .Peter denies Jesus three times (14:66-72a)U' .And when he thought thereon, Peter wept (14:72b)V' .The chief priests, elders and scribes delivered Jesus to Pontius Pilate (15:1)-- Delivering Jesus is a similar concept to rejecting him.-- Both parts of the pair involve chief priests, elders and scribesW' .Jesus dies and on the third day rises again (15:37, 16:6)A' .The young man explains the departure of Jesus(16:6-8)The consequence of this analysis is that the separate incidents reported in Mark might really have only been just one incident, which was repeated for emphasis, or even that the miracles did not really occur.

Related questions

Is it illegal to own a button-quail?

'Button Quails' are actually an endangered species, not the Quail that everyone owns. The Quail people own is a decendent of a BQ, but is actually a Chinese Paint Quail. So, protecting the Button Quail, the real Button Quail, is the main priority. So, do you mean the Chinese Painted Quail?Otherwise, we should try to protect the BQ, and let it live in peace.(also, it may depend on where you are)

Can rabbits and quail live together?

yes as long as you are not breeding the rabbits or quail they should get along well

What is the phylum of a quail?

Some types of quail are bobwhite quails, button quails, coturnix or Japanese quail, gambles quail, mearns quail, mountain quail, scaled quail, California quail and more

What is the plural of quail?

Quails or quail. Either is acceptable.

Who is the cartoon quail who whistles?

"The Crackpot Quail" starring Quentin Quail .

What does a baby quail look like?

Quails are short tailed, chunky game birds. Usually less than ten inches long. Some quail are the chukar, bobwhite, California and Gambel's quails, Montezuma quail. The bobwhite is the only eastern quail.

How should you take care of a baby quail?

Turn it over to the wildlife department.

Can you mate a californian quail with a bobwhite quail?

no because it is a different type of quail

How long does it take for a Tennessee red quail egg to hatch?

When you are trying to hatch Tennessee red quail eggs, it will take approximately 23 days. You should perform lock down on the egg at 20 days. This is a period of time when there should be no disturbances because hatching is likely to begin.

What happens if a dog eats an old quail egg?

The dog should be fine. Eggs are a good source of protein for dogs (people too!) but it's not so good for the quail.

What is the difference between a bevy of quail and a covey of quail?

I think it means flocks of quail.

Is quail an animal?

Yes, a quail is a bird.