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Q: What should you look for when describing the shape of a distribution?
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What are the six ways of describing a shape?

look in Hannah montana's batty!

What is quantitative obseravtions?

Quantitative observations are observations made only describing color, shape, look and feel. No numbers can be used. This means if you are describing an object, you cannot state it's weight because it contains a number.

How many observations to assume a Normal distribution?

32 if you sample is a random sample. Other methods look at the shape of the data and how skewed it is.

Which shape visually depicts what your conclusion should look like?

A ______ visually depicts what your conclusion should look like

What should you look for when using a credit card on line?

You should look for how much it costs and how good the shape is. If you do not do this then you could waist your money. Also, in this economy, You should take my advice. :) :) :) :)

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you should probably make it look like a lion

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its tail should look like a big lump of cotton

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What does an oval look like?

the oval shape is about the shape of an egg or how the eyes look in your face.

What does shape shifting look like?

shape shifting is changing shape

What is the best eyebrow shape?

The best eyebrow shape depends on the individual. People with round faces should opt for a more angular appearance to their face to look more stunning.