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Its a Circle Graph.

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Q: What show the part of a whole two words?
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Do fractions and decimals both show parts of a whole?

They can do. But they can also show wholes plus a part. For example, 41/2 or 4.5 represent four wholes and one part out of two of another.

When does part two come on from Hannah Montana?

the whole show is over...sorry...After Miley says good bye that means the show is over. (I'm so sad i wish she still did the show) So there is no more part 2. :(

From what two greek words does holocaust derive?

The two words are 'Holo' meaning whole and 'Kaustos' meaning to burn, thus translating the word as 'burned whole'

What shows the parts of a whole in two words?

A fraction.

What is the formula to proportions?

The formula to calculate proportions is: (part/whole) = (part/whole). This formula compares a part to the whole by setting up two ratios equal to each other.

What is the two tasks the heart performs? supply oxygen to whole part of the body carry nutrition to whole part of the body

Why isn't a mixed number a whole number?

A mixed number needs to be made up of two parts: an integer (or whole) part and a fraction part. Since there must be a fraction part, it cannot be a whole number.

A mathematical way of expressing a part of a whole thing is called a?

A part of a whole is a fraction. To spread a good math joke: Why did the inmate rip a piece of paper in half? Because two halves make a whole! In the joke the halves (1/2) were the part of a whole.

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A mixed number is made up of two parts: an integer (whole) part and a fractional part.

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Is birthday one or two words?

It is a compound word. Combination of birth and day.