refers to the opposite
Please correct me if I misunderstood your question, but a horizontal axis goes from left to right and vice-versa, and a vertical axis goes from bottom to top and vice-versa.
Right-handed people tend to wear their watches on their left wrist, and vice versa for those who are left-handed. Winter in the northern hemisphere is summer in the southern hemisphere, and vice versa.
Range what about ranking?
As price rises, demand falls, and vice versa
when the price of a commodity is high,consumers will go for another product almost the same as the one that the price is high,so that makes the quantity demanded of the commodity that the price low and vice versa
Range what about ranking?
Demand for good or service increases if the price of related goods increases, and vice versa.
If a man is right handed he typically will where his watch on his left hand. TRhe same is true vice-versa.
vice versa
Depends on global economy. If shrinks - it will go down and vice versa
Vice Versa - novel - was created in 1882.