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violent crime rate

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Q: What significant factor contributes to variation in incarceration rates between states is?
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What factors contributes to genetic variation between humans?

the genes that code for RNA and proteins...............

Which processes contributes directly to genetic variation?

Mutation is the primary process that directly contributes to genetic variation by introducing new alleles into a population. Recombination during meiosis, where genetic material is shuffled and exchanged between homologous chromosomes, also plays a role in generating genetic diversity. Independent assortment during meiosis further contributes to genetic variation by producing unique combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes in gametes.

What is the difference between loratadine and desloratadine?

The basic difference between these two drug is that desloratadine is major metabolite of loratadine. But this difference does not make any significant variation in effectiveness between these two drugs.

Does crossing over during meiosis contribute to genetic variation?

Yes, crossing over during meiosis contributes to genetic variation by exchanging genetic material between homologous chromosomes, leading to new combinations of genes in offspring.

What is the difference between variety and variation?

What is the difference between variation and variety

How does crossing over during meiosis contribute to genetic variation?

Crossing over during meiosis is a process where genetic material is exchanged between homologous chromosomes. This contributes to genetic variation by creating new combinations of genes, leading to offspring with unique traits.

How long does shock incarceration last?

Shock incarceration is when a judge hands down a lengthy sentance for a 1st time offender, say 6 months, and then orders their release after a short time and puts then on probation. Shoch (the incarceration) usually lasts between 10 and 25 days.

How are a male and female monngoose different from each other?

Most mongoose species do not have significant differences between the sexes other than the reproductive organs and variation in body size.

How is variation related to?

The more variation there is in a group of specimens, the more evolution can occur between them.

What is a variation that is the relationship between two variable quantities with a constant ratio?

Direct variation.

What is decontinuous variation?

Variation within a population in which few or no intermediate phenotypes fall between the extremes.

How is variation related to evolution?

The more variation there is in a group of specimens, the more evolution can occur between them.