They are 2-dimensional vectors.
Identical twins would have the most genetic similarities, since they share the same original 46 chromosomes.
A graph is a way to see differences in plotted numbers. When one takes two functions, and plugs them into the graph two images will appear. If both images do not follow suit with one another they are determined to not share continuity and vice verse.
The noun form of the verb to share is also share. There is also the gerund noun sharing.
Anatomical similarity refers to members of the same class of animals tend to have similar structures and organs.Anatomical similarities between organisms are limited to physical similarities that serve similar functions.
What similarities do some of these drugs share in Pregnancy category X
Differences: Scientific focuses on the job Administrative focuses on the work of the manager Similarity: Both theoies share planning functions.
Humans and fruit flies share about 60% of their DNA sequences due to similarities in genetic makeup dating back to a common ancestor. However, the functions and organization of these shared genes can differ significantly between the two species.
No. A function need not be linear. For example, y = sin(x) is a function of x but it is not a linear equation.
they had a hard life
They both are old and worthless.
Pie Graphs are usually found in the geometry section of math!Answer:Pie graphs are often used in budget discussions where the presenter wants to show "what share of the pie" each office function gets or which eachpart of the company contibutes.
One way in wicth scientist gather and share data is by looking at each others graphs or other types of charts
they both suck
Yes, half-siblings with the same father share genetic similarities because they inherit half of their genetic material from the same biological father.
They were nomads who depended on the buffalo for survival.